Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Your Body is a Temple.

All over Facebook, I see all these girls ranting over how they all wished they were a Victoria Secret model, and all the guys lusting over the models. In wake of the fashion show, I just want to give a word of encouragement to the ladies, and some critical criticism to the fellas. So, here we go...

First off, I would like to put out the fact that is obvious to all human beings with fully functioning eyeballs. These models are beautiful women, yes, but that's only reflecting their outer image. But does that really matter when we get down to the end of our lives? We see in Ecclesiastes, Solomon (if you don't know the history behind Solomon, he was the wisest man that ever walked the Earth. He was super rich, and had all the girls and parties you could ask for. This guy was living the "American Dream" back in Biblical times), expressing the continuance of how "all is vanity" (Ecc. 1:2) and he also adds that, "[he] has seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after the wind." (Ecc. 1:14) Anything that we could gain in this world, other than relationships with people and Jesus, will eventually go to waste whenever we die and enter into eternity. All the money, cars, clothes, houses, hot bodies, muscles, etc. Gone. None of this stuff really matters in the end, so why do we worry about it so much? Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying any of these things are bad. I love my nice blazer and my new car as much as the next guy, but whenever we start having a sick obsession over these things, or begin to boast about it, is when it begins to be a problem. This is a silent disease known as "materialism" that has become so prominent in the world today, especially in the United States.

What is there to worry about in the end anyways? Why do we live if it's not all about gaining money and cars? There are just a handful of things that will carry on into eternity. Now, I may not know of this for sure, but I'm pretty certain of it. The first of these is our mind, concerning knowledge and wisdom. The funny thing about knowledge is that once you know something, you can't un-know it. There is no digressing when it comes to what we can do with our minds. Why do you think elderly people know so much? It's really simple. It's because they're old! Life is the best textbook. Experiences can never match up to something that you could read in some book. Now, assuming that they do not have Alzheimer's (which is coming very, very close to a cure, not many people realize it yet though), elderly folks are the smartest and wisest people around. The best part about that is that it carries into eternity. You'll just be seeing everything through holistic eyes and it will all make more sense to you.

Another thing which will most definitely carry into eternity is your heart. I could do a whole post about how our hearts and how love will carry out (heck, I could even write a book about our hearts). Our hearts are the most important thing. I'm talking about your figurative heart, not your physical heart. (Because really, you're physical mind is much more important than your physical heart, because your brain tells your heart to pump, but that's besides the point) From which your heart, all else flows. Why do you think Solomon in Proverbs says to above all guard your heart? It's because it's the most essential aspect of you being you! Your heart has ZERO reflection on what your outward appearance says. Let's take the monster from Frankenstein as an example. Before he turned into this monstrous creature who killed all of Frankenstein's family, his heart was pure and clean, while still his outward appearance was ugly. Compassion, love, passion, desire, care, kindness, self-control, gentleness, goodness, etc., all flow from your heart! Your heart is what shows your true character, and there is nothing more important than having a good character. Plus, it makes it an infinite amount of times better if Jesus is dwelling within your heart.

Now for some words of encouragement for the ladies. You're beautiful. You were made for a specific reason with a specific plan for a specific purpose. Nothing is more beautiful than that. You are a daughter of God, and Jesus bought you with the highest price, death. Be content with who you are! Read Proverbs 31, and strive to be the women of God described in the Scripture. Having a perfect figure, or a perfect face, won't matter when it comes down to the end of your days. I guarantee you that you won't look the same than you do now when you're 80 years old. Never stop working on your heart. A man who will honestly love you for you will fall for you because of your heart, not your looks. My girlfriend is so beautiful, and I love how beautiful she is, but I am so in love with her heart. A man who fell in love with you for your heart would never, in the right mind, would break the sole thing that he fell in love with. That works out pretty well if you ask me, and I'm a dude.

Fellas, I realize that lust is something that is hard to conquer, but we can't keep falling into the same hole over and over again. A man returning to his folly is like a dog returning to his own puke. I don't think any of us will ever say we have 100% conquered lust, but we have to learn to control it. Start with your perspective. Rather than looking at a girl and lusting, begin to look at the girl as the sister in Christ that she is and recognize her as a beautiful woman of God that she is. It's tough to do, and it took me years to control, but let me tell ya, life is a lot easier when you have the steering wheel in full command. The most beautiful girls have the most beautiful hearts. Look how they treat people, and how much they love the Lord. A girl's heart is truly exposed whenever they are worshipping, and serving. Fall in love with that, rather than just a pretty face. Look for the beautiful soul, rather than a pretty body. A girl with a pure heart and a pure soul isn't going to want to break your heart. I'm a guy, and that's working pretty well for me. Don't focus so much on being the biggest, manliest guy out their either. Someday those muscles will fade into flab. Work on your heart, and it'll take you places.

And one other thing...
Real angels have much more beautiful bodies than those Victoria Secret models.

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