Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012: The Year of Change

2012 has been an eventful year, especially in the world around us. Some events notable enough to look back on were the 2012 Summer Olympics when Michael Phelps broke the record for most medals ever won by an Olympian ('Merica), or Curiosity, a Rover constructed by the Mars Science Laboratory, which successfully landed on Mars in August. Even the tragic events unfortunately made 2012 a year to remember, such as the shootings in Colorado and Connecticut, and the Benghazi attack that killed 4 U.S. diplomats on 9/11.

But nothing compares to the work that God has done, not only in my life, but the lives that I see around me.

I don't think Obama was lying when he said he was going to bring change... it was just the change we weren't expecting. My life has changed so much since 2011. I've gone from the country wannabe kid, that only played basketball, to a man who desires to chase after Jesus. For anyone who doesn't know my past, I've been raised up in church 9 months before I was born. I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was 5 years old, but that's only because I saw everyone else doing it, and I didn't really want to go to hell when I died. On a church camp to Colorado in 2008, I finally became awakened to the Gospel, and I understood how powerful and wondrous God really was. I acknowledged it that year, but I didn't really take it to heart, so I went on with my life without really thinking about it much. It wasn't until late 2011, after I gave into some of the world's temptations, when I really became overwhelmed with the presence of God. I finally realized that I wasn't going to be a man until I surrendered my life away. I understood that the true meaning of manhood wasn't having sex or benching the highest weight, but I learned that being a man meant I was willing to say, "I can't do this on my own." In late October, after I saw my best friend Robby get saved, I surrendered to God and said, "I can't do this on my own, I'm handing it over to you." And that's when the change began.

One of my favorite pastors, Mark Driscoll, always says that it is impossible to meet Jesus without changing, and if you haven't changed after meeting Jesus, then you didn't meet the real Jesus. That could not be more truer. I know you can't change that much whenever you're 5 years old, because your innocence has still clouded out your mind of all the pain and brokenness in the world (which I wish I still had), but the difference was that I became awakened to the Gospel, rather than just knowing about the Gospel and accepting it as ultimate truth. When I became awakened, that's when the change began. That's something I really desire to be seen in my peers. Is that they become awakened to the Gospel, rather than just seeing it. Whenever you just see the Gospel, you are still prone to attacks from Satan which can steer your vision off of it, but when you become awakened, and place Jesus on your foothold, and allow him to be your foundation, is when you can't be shaken. Satan has no power against a person who has been awakened to the Gospel.

Being awakened to the Gospel is easy. It's when you finally realize that, not only that you don't have to do anything, but when you realize that you can't do anything. Jesus says it clearly, and it's so simple for us to overlook. "It is finished." Done. Over. Complete. Whole. Finished. He already conquered the grave, so that you could do so as well.

Here's to 2012. The year where I became a man. The year where the Gospel began to move in my life. The year when I became awakened to the Gospel. But most importantly, the year when I finally began to walk with Jesus, hand in hand. It's amazing to know that he was always there waiting for me. He never changed.

With that said, let me share with you one of my favorite Psalms to usher in the new year, 2013. This Psalm speaks of a person who continues to have confidence in God in the midst of a crisis. The psalmist writes it so beautifully.

Psalm 77
I cry aloud to God,
aloud to God, and He will hear me.
I sought the Lord in my day of trouble.
My hands were continually lifted up
all night long:
I refused to be comforted.
I think of God; I groan;
I meditate; my spirit becomes weak.

You have kept me from closing my eyes;
I am troubled and cannot speak.
I consider the days of old
years long past.
At night I remember
my music;
I meditated in my heart,
and my spirit ponders.
Will the Lord reject forever
and never again show favor?
Has His faithful love ceased forever?
Is His promise at an end
for all generations?
Has God forgotten to be gracious?
Has He in anger
withheld His compassion?

So I say, "I am grieved
that the right hand of the Most High
has changed."
I will remember the Lord's works;
yes; I will remember
Your ancient wonders.
I will reflect on all You have done
and meditate on Your actions.

God, Your way is holy.
What god is great like God?
You are the God
who works wonders;
You revealed Your strength
among the peoples.
With power You redeemed Your people
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.

The waters saw You, God
The waters saw You; they trembled.
Even the depths shook.
The clouds poured down water.
The storm clouds thundered;
Your arrows flashed back and forth.
The sound of Your thunder was
in the whirlwind;
lightning lit up the world.
The earth shook and quaked.
Your way went through the sea
and Your path through
the great waters,
but Your footprints were unseen.
You led Your people like a flock
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Here's to 2013. Bless this year for all of us, God.

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